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Flexible and reliable inland transport service of sea containers safely and on time. MEK-Trans Oy Ab has a good AA credit rating.


MEK-TRANS OY AB – Your Choice to Success!

Peter Sonntag

Operative Manager

Sanna Kuitunen

Transport Bookings

Kari Päivelin

Managing Director, Sales

Mikko Arola

Transport Bookings

Minna Pääskysmäki

Bookings, Customer Service

Jaana Aaltonen

Customer Service

Svetlana Fedorova


Miia Lehtinen

Transport Bookings



MEK-Trans Oy Ab is a leading operator arranging for inland transport of sea containers within Finland and Baltic Sea area. Our customers are global shipping companies, major forwarders and import/export companies.

MEK-Trans Oy Ab has an AEO Certified Standard Authorisation issued by Finnish Customs. Adhering to this standard is an essential part of our service concept and we also require the same from our contracted lorry transport operators and their drivers.

The purpose of this summary of Principles is to explain the governance and operative rules applied to all of our company activities. These Principles are applied to the owners of MEK-Trans Oy Ab, its Board of Directors, personnel as well as all parties with a contractual agreement with MEK -Trans Oy Ab.

General Principles

  • customer focus
  • honesty and trust
  • mutual respect
  • responsibility
  • sustainability
  • adherence to legal and other stipulations

We are committed to following of these Principles and Ethical Guidelines in all our activities with our customers, contractual partners, personnel, and owners.

We require that all our contractual partners and stake holders also adher to the corresponding Ethical Principles and conducts of operation as well as follow all legal and other agreed principles.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Responsibility is an essential part of our Company’s key success contributors.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility consist of:

  • Following and adhering to generally accepted human rights;
  • Human equality and fighting discrimination based on racial, national, religion, human ethics, , language, cultural background, disability, political views, trade union activity, gender or age.
  • MEK-Trans Oy Ab does not approve and under no circumstances accept child or forced labour in any form.

Health and Safety

  • We promote individuals’ health and safety based on statutory occupeational health measures, by training and advice. We expect our contractual parties to do the same.
  • Safety is an essential part of our service commitment and to ensure it we adher strictly to all operative models and isntructions vested on AEO Cerified operator

Responsibilities of our Personnel and Contract Drivers

  • We maintain friendly and service oriented approach towards all of our customers and contractual parties.
  • We maintain absolute confidentiality in our operations
  • All information obtained in our business process is confidential and we will not pass it on outside the company except for meeting legal requirements by public authorities.
  • We approve no corruption nor bribery except for commonly accepted hospitality in business. We also expect that no preferencial treatment or concessions are given in return.

Environmental responsibility

  • We follow good practices of sustainability
  • We contiuously monitor technical development in lorry logistics and encourage our contract transport companies and drivers to pursue economical and ecological practices with their vehicle mileage.
  • We utilise best available vehicle tracking and optimal transport planning systems for promoting optimal routing and vehicle mileage.